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Goal Setting Tips From Jerry Seinfeld
The Seinfeld Productivity Calendar is a simple way to coax you into accomplishing your goals in a very primal,...
Improve Communications with an E-mail Auto Responder
As your vacation winds down, the reality of being away for a week or two begins to sneak up...
Don’t Underestimate the Hackers
In 2011, Ponemon Research surveyed 583 U.S. businesses and found that 90% of respondents reported that their company’s computers...
Take Back Your Facebook News Feed
Facebook has recently achieved one billion active users. Being on top of the social media world comes with a...
DeleteMe App Covers Your Internet Tracks
In today’s digital age there are actually two of you. There is the flesh and blood you, that you...
Tip: Improve Your Writing with Squigglies
Unless you are an English major, writing a well thought-out message without any spelling or grammatical errors can be...